Elements of an Effective Accountability System

Element 2. Resources to Meet the Standards of Performance

To be justified in administering discipline, management should first fulfill the obligation to provide employees with the means and methods to achieve the standards of performance that have been established. Employers should provide a safe and healthful physical and psychosocial workplace environment.

o Physical resources. Ensure safe and healthful conditions. Safe tools, equipment, machinery, materials, chemicals, workstations, facilities, environment. OSHA emphasizes this category.

o Psychosocial support. Ensures safe behaviors. Effective safety education and training, reasonable work schedules and production quotas, human resource programs, safe work procedures, competent management, tough-caring leadership. Through the years, Federal OSHA and professional safety organizations have demonstrated more emphasis in this area as evidenced by increased interest in developing rules requiring a comprehensive safety and health program, and workplace violence standards.

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