Identifying and Controlling Hazards
Course 101
Safety Certified Supervisor Series



When management understands the importance of taking corrective action and making SMS improvements, and consequently acts on recommendations consistently, it sends a very positive, proactive message leadership to the workforce. It tells workers the employer cares for and values every employee! When this message is clearly sent, employees are far more likely to put out the extra effort for the company and that benefits everyone.

When management ignores or does not set out to correct hazards in the work place, the employer sends a very negative message to the workforce: a message that infers a lack of care and value for employees. It convinces workers that corporate profits take priority over employee welfare. It communicates that management is willing to take an acceptable level of risk as though the employee were more a "unit of labor" than a valuable human resource. The message from the employer is most likely not intended, but that may not matter to the employee. It's the job of the person making the recommendation to, "educate up," so that management understands the importance of making the right decision.


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