Education and Training: What's the difference?

Safety education attempts to primarily increase knowledge to change beliefs and, thereby, improve/change attitudes. The more we understand the importance of safety procedures, the more likely we will use them. We gain an understanding of natural and system consequences that result from using safe procedures and practices being trained. What does education about natural and system consequences look like?

Natural consequences. Education helps employees understand the natural consequences of their actions; the injuries and illnesses that may result if we don't use the safe procedures and practices. Education helps everyone understand the natural consequences to the company; damage to equipment and machinery, lower trust between labor and management, and low morale.

On the other hand, education helps employees understand the positive natural consequences resulting from safe behaviors in the workplace; fewer accidents, higher productivity and lower costs of doing business.

System consequences. Education also helps us understand the system consequences of our actions; the disciplinary actions that result from noncompliance, and the recognition/reward that results from compliance. It also helps us understand the system weaknesses affecting the organization; OSHA penalties, civil and criminal penalties, possible work slowdown, decreased operational efficiency.


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