A rusty latch on the suggestion box...

Over the years of presenting these courses, I've learned that most companies have not put a lot of careful thought into the design of their safety suggestion programs. Hopefully, you have an existing suggestion program that's working. How do you know your safety suggestion program is successful? If you use a suggestion box, is it crammed with suggestions or candy wrappers and the remnants of old tuna sandwiches? If your suggestion program results in fewer and fewer suggestions each month, it's a indicator shouting that your suggestion program is not working.

Again, communications is the key. If the suggestion program is failing, it means the program is (1) not designed properly and/or (2) not being implemented properly. People may not be communicating effectively, or worse yet, ignoring employees who make suggestions. If management wants a successful suggestion program, they must effectively communicate positively on both the content and relationship levels. On the content level, they can write a suggestion program plan, and inform everyone about it. On the relationship level, however, they need to respond positively to each and every suggestion employees make. That means action! It means showing appreciation through recognition and rewards, and it means acting on the suggestions offered. Thank EVERY employee who submits a suggestion!

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