Proactive recognition programs that work

Here are a few ideas for developing a proactive incentive and recognition program for your company:

Safety Bucks: Supervisors carry safety bucks, and when they see someone doing something impressive, they reward them. The employee can take the safety buck to the company cafeteria for lunch, or they can use it at a local participating store to purchase items.

Bonus Program: When an employee (1) identifies a hazard in the workplace that could cause serious physical harm or a fatality, or (2) make a suggestion that prevents injury or saves the company money, supervisors are authorized to reward them with a bonus check. In some cases the bonus check is a fixed amount. In other programs the bonus check is a small percentage of the potential direct cost for the accident that might have occurred.

By the way, the average direct cost to close a disabling claim is around $10,000; a fatality costs about $300,000. Doesn't it make sense to reward an individual with a gift certificate or some money for identifying a hazard that could potentially cost the company thousands? Small investment for potentially huge returns!

Safety Hero: After an extended period of time, management rewards employees with a certificate or bonus check for complying with company safety rules and otherwise demonstrating safety leadership. We're not talking about "employee of the quarter" here that creates one winner and many losers. Recognition should be criterion-based such that anyone and everyone that meets the criteria established, receives the recognition or reward. Remember, this is safety, not first, best, most improved criteria.

Reporting Injuries: Wait a minute...Do I really mean that supervisors should thank employees for reporting injuries immediately? What's with that? If employees report injuries immediately, they not only minimize the physical/psychological impact of the injury on themselves, they reduce the direct/ indirect accident costs to the company. The worker, his or her coworkers, and the entire company wins if the employee reports injuries immediately. Immediate reporting is not only OSHA law.. .it's smart business policy.

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