Elements of an Effective Accountability System

Element 6. Effective Evaluation of the Accountability System.

Accountability System Evaluation Checklist. (continued)

An effective accountability system is required to ensure compliance with required employer safety standards. Here's a simple checklist your safety committee can use to evaluate your organization's accountability system. (0= Not present 3=Needs Improvement 5=Effective)

5. Evaluation of the accountability system. This element is essential in continually improving the accountability system. ·

o Is the safety committee evaluating the accountability system on a periodic/continuous schedule?
o Are all processes within each of the accountability system elements evaluated? ·
o Does the safety committee submit the evaluation results to management? ·
o Does the safety committee develop and submit recommendations to improve the accountability system? ·
o Does management respond to and implement safety committee recommendations?

Next is a short Quiz for the Module 2 information.

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