Indicators of Management Commitment

Studies indicate that companies with strong top management commitment to safety and health take strong tough-caring leadership and management action.

Below are a number of critical indicators of management commitment. Use the following short audit to get examine management's commitment to safety:

Safety Management Audit

1. There is a written safety policy.
2. There are written safety goals and objectives.
3. Written strategies and tactics (plans) for achieving safety objectives are in place.
4. Managers provide safety budgets, staffing, and facilities for meetings.
5. Managers participate in executing safety plans.
6. Managers monitor and periodically evaluate the safety program.
7. Managers and supervisors set an example of good safety practices, e.g., wearing personal protective equipment.
8. Managers and supervisors are held accountable for safety performance, e.g., pay/promotions are partially dependent on safety.
9. Top managers receive and respond to safety committee recommendations.
10. Supervisors and managers personally conduct safety audits and inspections.
11. There are specific procedures for ensuring that accident investigations result in identification and timely implementation of corrective actions, and procedures are reviewed by management.
12. Managers attend safety meetings.
13. Management representatives are members of the safety committee.
14. Managers regularly attend safety activities outside the company.


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