Conducting an Accident Investigation
Course 102
Safety Certified Supervisor Series


Why conduct an "investigation"?

The answer to this question is key to the success of the entire program. Does your organization conduct accident investigations for the same reason as OSHA? It shouldn't be. To determine the purpose of a process, it's important to look at the "output" of that process. The fatality investigation report is the output of the investigation process, so let's take a look at the sample given in OSHA Instruction CPL 2.113, Appendix C:

MEMORANDUM FOR: Regional Administrator
FROM: Area Director
SUBJECT: Results of Fatality Investigation

The following information supplements the OSHA-170, regarding investigation of the accident at _____ Company, Inc., which occurred on June 15, 1995.

Establishment Information: ____ Company, Inc., located at Grainfield Road, Grossfield, USA, has no previous inspection history. The company has a work force of 32 employees and operates on a seasonal basis, usually June to November.

Family Involvement: The next of kin information was obtained from the company and the CSHO telephoned to verify the information and advise the family that an investigation is in progress. The standard information letter was sent. There has been no further contact from the family.

Union Involvement: There is no union at this location.

Proposed Action: Issue citations for serious and other violations of machine guarding, open floor holes, hazard communication and recordkeeping with a penalty total of $5,475. A 5(a)(1) letter outlining the hazards to be corrected which were not clearly addressed by 29 CFR 1928 Safety and Health Standards for agriculture and for which other OSHA Standards are not applicable will also be mailed to the company.

The message in this document reflects the intent of OSHA to conduct accident investigation primarily to determine if violations in OSHA law caused the accident: To establish employer liability - place blame, if you will. The law mandates this approach. However, the law does not require your organization to carry out accident investigations for the same reason.

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