Identifying and Controlling Hazards
Course 101
Safety Certified Supervisor Series


Solving safety problems

Mind Mapping - Another tool to identify problems

Mind Mapping, or "Instantaneous non-linear cognitive deduction utilizing spatial forms in a two-dimensional plane." (huh?) Mind mapping is merely drawing circles and lines to help you quickly think about and categorize ideas, problems, concepts, subjects, and just about anything else. Mind mapping is successful because takes advantage of the brain's natural ability to categorize ideas in a rapid, but rather unorganized manner.

Look at the mind map below. At the center we write the problem. Then, try to think of the factors that are more obvious causes for the problem. (This works best by letting your subconscious do the work while you watch TV or work on another project) Next, take a look at each factor listed and ask why that particular cause exists. After a while (minutes to hours) you will build a diagram similar in form (but not content) to the one below.

Using this technique, you'll be able to take any topic, project, or problem and quickly determine related categories of , processes, procedures, etc. Once the mind map is complete, it is merely a matter of reorganizing the information into the more common "outline" format.


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