Identifying and Controlling Hazards
Course 101
Safety Certified Supervisor Series


Fourteen Hazard Categories

Hazard categories include.

  1. Acceleration.
  2. Biologicals.
  3. Chemical reactions.
  4. Electrical hazards.
  5. Ergonomics.
  6. Explosives and explosions.
  7. Flammability and fires.
  8. Heat and temperature.
  9. Mechanical hazards.
  10. Pressure.
  11. Radiation.
  12. Toxics.
  13. Vibration/Noise.
  14. Workplace Violence.


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1. Acceleration.

When we speed up or slow down too quickly. Acceleration occurs when any object is being set in motion or its speed increased.

Whiplash is a common injury as a result of an acceleration hazard.

Hazards from deceleration and impact, especially from falls, also exist in the workplace.